Emerald & indicator rocks EMERALD MINE
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Geology - Plot 5G ..
Introduction Location Climate Typography General Geology
  Mineralisation Exploration Recommendation Conclusion  

1. Introduction.
Herewith an extract from the initial geological report. The full report is available on request.

COMPILED BY:      R.N. Ndhlovu (B.Min, Sc, PG.Dip)
                  Rosmo Mining and Engineering Consultants
                  P.O.Box 32573, Lusaka, Zambia
                  Tel : 24-0237

DATE ASSESSED: 28 April 1997

2. Location & Access.
The plot is located on the South-eastern extremity of the Zambian Copperiest. The plot is easily accessible from the main tarred Kalulushi-Chibuluma road. A gravel road turns off and heads Southwards to the plot situated in the restricted Emerald area.

SIZE: 108 ha.

3. Climate.
During the rainy season, November to March, the average rainfall is about 1,100 mm. The rest of the year is quite pleasant except for humidity from Mid-September until the start of the rain.

4. Drainage & Typography.
The area is typical Zambian plateau with an elevation of between 1100 and 1200 metres. All the streams and rivers are perennial. Except for the quartzite ridges there are no prominent geographical features.

5. General Geology.
The rocks in the area comprise three main units:

Gabbro is considered to have been intruded at an early stage of the Katangan orogeny and there is evidence of magmatic activity during the same orogeny.

All the emerald deposits are hosted in the Muva Super group rocks, particularly the talc schists and associated pegmatites.

6. Geology of Plot 5G.
The geology is poorly exposed due to a thick overburden - up to 12 metres thick. The geology was ascertained from two pits at the plot. Three main rocks have been interested from 5 to 6 metres depth. These are the light green medium to fine grained schistose amphibolites, the green to grey medium grained talcose mica schists and the quartz, tourmaline pegmatite rock intrusive into the talc schists. The amphibolite overlies the talc schists.

The amphibolite-schist formation has been folded and the pit is positioned on the fold limb striking 220 deg with a steep dip 60 deg NW. The quartz tourmaline pegmatite (up to 3 metres thick) intrudes the talc mica schist and is concordant to the foliation.

Minor folds with amplitudes several metres in length.

7. Emerald Mineralisation.
Green, pale green and greenish white beryl and emerald mineralisation were observed in the contact zones of the quartz tourmaline and talc schist. Green emerald was also noted in the quartz tourmaline pegmatite. Different sizes ranging from a few millimetres to several centimetres in length and diameter have been recovered from the pits. The talc schist also contains emerald-beryl mineralisation though this was not observed during the survey. However this is the main host rock for emeralds in the Ndola Rural area.

8. Exploration.
The prospects have not been fully explored and so far there are two large excavations that have been opened as mentioned above. The pits have so far reviewed the presence of emerald-beryl on the plot and further exploration work is required to establish the extent of mineralisation and reserves.

9. Recommendations.
The following should be achieved alongside with actual full scale mining.

  1. Further exploration is necessary to establish the depth and extent of mineralisation. Due to financial restraint this could not be achieved by the company.
  2. The use of machinery such as compressors, jack hammers, a bulldozer and blasting is recommended due to thick overburden and the competent amphibolite overlaying the host talc schist.
  3. The use of geophysics (Magnetics) to map the talc-magnetite schist before above machinery is used.
  4. The change of mining method from open cast to underground due to the steep nature of the strata when hoisting facilities cannot suffice at some stage.

10. Conclusion.
This prospect is suitable for investment as the existence of emeralds has already been proven.

Signed by: R.N. Ndhlovu (Geologist)



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E-MAIL: emeraldmine@hotmail.com . . . . . . . .Last Updated: 12 June 1998